After a long day of riding in a bus, it was a lovely finsih to be able to expereince Africa's the true image

. We visited the Lesedi Cultural village and immediatly we were greeted by men in traditional african tribal outfits! I was alarmed for a split second, then immediatly warmed up to their sweet hospitality. We were introduced to 5 major tribal groups in the area, and were given tours on each ones' ways of life and village apperance. After, we saw very unique dances true to each tribe's culture, as well as singing and audience interaction: I got up and danced with them too! Almost all of the students went up to dance and we had a blast!!!!!!!! Afterwards, we ate a traditional African meal that included: CROCODILE AND OSTRICH. Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I was soooooooooooo excited to try it all! the croc tasted like dry-ish chicken, the ostrich tasted like tough-ish beef. oh! and i forgot to mention the CATERPILLARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they were already cooked, dried, and slalted. It tasted like a cross of stale fritos to dried anchovies... I couldnt tell if i was eating the head or not, but it wasnt half bad... it only got stuck in you teeth!!!! FLOOOOOOOOSSSSS!!!!! the dinner and bus ride home was the first time on the trip in which alllll the students could not stop laughing, and i really mean NOT ABLE TO STOP LAUGHING, and had a great time listening and being with each other. It really was a nice way to end the day!
Glad you are observing and enjoying the new culture. Eating caterpillars, "Bizarre Food" here comes Iman Kashmola.
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