International Student Trips Powered By Discovery Education
Iman's Blog


Friday, June 5, 2009

We visited two townships today, where both have taught me a lot. Number one, be TRULY thankful for what you have. Number two, be TRULY happy with what you have, and three be TRULY and utterly, without a doubt, most positively, and guarenteed, that you APPRECIATE how well you living conditions are as well as having your family happy, healthy, and well.

We saw so many shacks, built out of sheet metal, wood, and newspapers. Yeah, those homes were "upgrated" from previous shacks, which quite honestly, I don't know what they had before! Some auctcual homes were decently remodeled, but you can see that the living conditions were terrible. Trash everywhere, broken windows, little kids wandering the streets, and stray dogs all cold and wet. It was amazing to see how little these people had, but still were living and supporting their own big families.

We met a lady, Rosie, who grew up in a township her entire life. She fed homeless children everyday and made sure they got at least one meal in before they went to bed, while raising and providing for her own kids. A fire broke out in her township, and her shack caught on fire. She ran inside and retrieved kids from the fire as she suffered from major burns. Rosie now has provided meals to kids for roughly 20 years, and we visited her kitchen. Well, it was more of a 6 foot by 8 foot shack with 4 GIGANTIAC pots (I don't know how we all fit inside!). She told us her life story and inspired us to want to help her out. She gave us her address, phone numbers, and e-mail so we can contact her. We all have her information and will try to post it asap if you'd like to help.

Long story short, just be happy with what you have and who you are.

Daddy, mommy, I kinda think its cool if you didn't get me that new thinggy I waanted... :)

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Anonymous said...

I am so touched by your observations. We do take all the blessings we have for granted.
Keep us posted with all your wonderful experiences.
Hala Azmeh

aaa said...

Hi Iman,

I am touched and impressed with the above piece that you wrote. I am glad you are on this trip, this is a good eye opener for you and I am sure for the rest of the team as well. Having this experience firsthand lets you appreciate who you are, where you come from and what you have so far. I am proud of you (as my daughter) and the rest of the team and I look forward to seeing more Blogs written up and pics get posted as well.

Take care, stay safe and have fun!

Dad :)

The Magills said...

Wow - we are impressed by your experiences and can't wait to hear more! Kristi Magill

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